For many adults, September 11, 2001 is a date of profound significance, seared in American hearts and minds. Yet, twenty years later, young people of today have no memory of what transpired, even though their lives have unfolded in an America deeply impacted and transformed by this event. This collection records the memories and experiences of Texans in response to the attacks of September 11, 2001 and the subsequent events of the past twenty years.
From Muslims, Sikhs, and other minoritized groups to Texans whose career fields have been deeply changed by these events, these narrators express their unfiltered thoughts on 9/11 in a way that is often neglected in mainstream media. Today, many people still live in fear of being perceived as "Muslim-looking" or being profiled for having brown skin. Many have also faced or witnessed hostility, suspicion, mistrust, and surveillance. They’ve also found ways to fight back against a narrative mired in stereotypes and prejudice. This collection highlights not just the negative impacts of 9/11, but also the means of resilience and resistance that Texans have developed in response to these events.
View all interviews in the September 11, 20+ Years Later Collection.